Whew! Akash and I spent too many furitive moments in the third-floor company telephone closet today, stealing away to phone our loan processor, furiously pounding out calculations, carrying this digit, rounding that numeral, crossing them all out and starting over again.
Oh dear, here I go being an unreliable narrator again. Let me stop a moment and unequivically state that it was Akash sweating the numeric bullets today, not I. (No surprise to anyone who knows me.) I'm honestly not sure where we are in the loan approval process, but I do know we have locked in a rate. And also that insurance and taxes are not pleasant items, and they compound to create what's worth a monthly car payment, in my mind. And I'm not getting a Mini Cooper out of it, either.
I do wish Anthropologie would name a particualrly lovely blouse Insurance & Taxes. Then maybe I'd like them again.
Also, Montgmery didn't mention anything about points or interest rates when she wrote about Dad and Jane buyig a house. If I recall correctly, Dad found Jimmy John over at his farm, and paid him cash outright for Lantern Hill.
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