More Web browsing led me to this small city home, built in 1946 and located in a good neighborhood. Not a fashionable neighborhood, mind you, but one that is truly residential, a quick drive to work and the local elementary school (doesn't hurt to think of the future, folks). There happened to be an open house this afternoon, so after brunch, my partner, his parents and I drove over to check it out.
And since Montgomery has already said it so well for me, I defer to her:
The seventh house seemed to be all a house should be. It was a small bungalow, new and white, with a red roof and dormer windows. The yard was trim though treeless; there were a pantry and a nice cellar and good floors. And it had a wonderful view of the gulf.
Dad looked at Jane.
"Do you sense any magic about this, my Jane?"
"Do you?" challenged Jane.
Dad shook his head.
"Absolutely none. And, as magic is indispensable, no can do."
They drove away, leaving the man who owned the house wondering who them two lunatics were. What on earth was magic? He must see the carpenter who had built the house and find out why he hadn't put any in it.
The best Lima beans, seriously. Secrets revealed…
13 years ago
Lunatics sounds about right..... This is so fun to read. I feel as if you're sitting next to me telling me all these stories!