The back, screened-in porch, that is. We actually have two porches, the wide, welcoming front one, and the tucked-away back one. While I love the openness of the front porch --- nothing says "Come in!" in like a one-step-up, as-long-as-the-house kind of porch --- the Southern situation of 808 Bolling means we get a lot more use out of the screened-in porch off the kitchen.
Also, one cannot wear pajamas on a front porch for all of Belmont to see.
This is my favorite spot. I can curl up and take a nap here. Also good for latte-drinking.
Belle gave me this for my birthday. C'est charement, n'est pas?
I keep my watering can by the door, so I can easily pick it up on my way out to the garden. (By the way, I told my beau today, "I must get my seedlings grown up by the first frost." I felt very much like a pioneer prairie girl.)